


Taman Iman
 Faith Recreation Park, an appropriate name for the location that contains a million of this meaning. Pine lined brought coolness to the eye. . Garden of Faith is located at Dairi, District Sidikalang. There are a lot of beautiful scenery and charming, there are also places of worship. The building houses of worship worship each religion seems stand strong. All houses of worship there. As if Dairi want to show that the religious diversity of mutual harmony and unity is something noble and decent values ​​instilled Like:
1. Mosque
2. Church
3. Temple
4. Vihara
5. Etc.

There are also travel story of the Lord Jesus was crucified, along with his mother named Maria.Jalan decreased, although tiring but at least a tergapai meaning from there. Reliefs that depict the journey of suffering of Jesus before ascending to heaven (The Passion of the Christ) was alive. The statues depict when Jesus was on trial, tortured, bore the cross to Top Golgata until finally He was crucified and buried in a cave.


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