

Touristm at North Sumatera

North Sumatra (North Sumatra), which has many sights and interesting potential, ready to serve as the national tourism sector, such as Bali, Yogyakarta and other provinces. Head of Culture and Tourism, North Sumatra, Ir Nurlisa MSI Ginting told AFP in Medan, on Friday, said the North Sumatra has a natural wealth that was quite special, it needs to be developed for a better life. As Lake Toba, one of strategic natural resources, prompted local governments need to prepare the supporting facilities to allow visitors to enjoy a trip to the venue. Facilities include an environment that must be preserved, hygiene, communities around tourist areas and even a friendly staff of local and foreign tourists. These efforts are expected to become more value as a choice of tourists visit this region. He has submitted the matter to the parties involved in developing the tourism sector, including with the Department of Roads and Bridges and Bappeda for road infrastructure to the North Sumatra attractions improved to facilitate transport. National roads to tourist destinations in North Sumatra as to Lake Toba, Parapat Berastagi, Sibolga and Nias was considered quite long and much damaged, and therefore should receive special attention and promptly corrected. Nurlisa added that the campaign about potential local nature is also very important and requires the role of all parties, both local governments and communities. One such campaign organized by Expo in Jakarta, North Sumatra, which is expected to attract domestic tourists as the main target. Socialization to the community in Java is a necessity, so that they are interested for a trip to North Sumatra. Disbudpar Sumut chasing the target for about 200 thousand visitors achieved in the year

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