


Sembahe is one of the resorts are quite attractive. Its location is not far from Medan. Only about 35 km diruas road Medan - Berastagi. With latency is only about 40 minutes by car, we've arrived at their destination without excessive fatigue.
Its location is quite convenient. Located right in the cool temperate areas in the region Deliserdang, District Sibolangit. Sembahe is a village that stretches along the main road between Medan, Berastagi. The village was split flow of the river that flowed freely. Elongated winding, rocky. River bathing place that is the natural attractions Sembahe River.
The water is cool and shady indeed have a considerable attraction. Many visitors come here to relax on weekends or public holidays. Especially if it was summer. Presumably they wanted to soak in a winding river flows like a giant snake.
Many baths in Sembahe, the largest baths located right after the bridge in the center of the village of Sembahe. This place is most crowded. About 500 yards away from where there are bathing Alam Indah, here, too many visitors. One kilometer from this place there are also natural bath Karona

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